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✍️ Registration

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<aside> 📺 Video Info:


Video in Russian

Video in Russian

For Whom?

The Pastoral Dialogue Conference cordially invites pastors, leaders, and evangelists to a comprehensive two-day event aimed at delving into the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), the dynamics of the Holy Spirit and His gifts, and critically examining contemporary teachings such as the Health, Wealth, and Prosperity Gospel, the misuse of apostolic and prophetic roles, the overemphasis on supernatural signs and wonders, and ecclesiastical elitism.

This initiative seeks to foster enriched dialogue, present a spectrum of perspectives, and deepen the collective understanding of these pivotal themes.

Through engaging panel discussions, interactive Q&A sessions, and insightful pastoral reflections, the conference is structured to encourage beneficial exchanges, knowledge sharing, and spiritual growth, moving beyond debate to support mutual learning and development, while addressing concerns over scriptural misinterpretations, authoritarian leadership risks, theological inaccuracies, and challenges to the New Testament's teachings.

👥 Panelists


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🕐 Schedule

Day One: What is the NAR? New Apostolic Reformation

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